måndag 19 september 2011

Update showresults etc!

Gästriklands KC International Dog Show 17/9, judge: Petra Junehall
CH Maxinice Joyance
Best Veteran, best bitch & BOB!
Her daughter
Maxinice Odd Molly
Best bitch 3
KSS, Drammen 3/9, judge: Carlos Salas, Spain
Maxinice Obi wan Kenobi
Best male, CC & BOB & Swedish, Norwegian CH
Congrats to his owner: Cristina Flady Pereira!
Södermanland KC Dog Show 21/8
Maxinice Pow wow wow
Exc juniorclass, CC & BOS only 15 month!
Congrats to his owner: Hanna Panzar
Östergötlands KC Swedish Winner 20/9, judge: Marja Talvatie, Finland
CH Maxinice Joyance best bitch 2
Maxinice Odd Molly best bitch 3
Örebro KC Dog Show 13/8, judge: John Stanton, New Zeeland
CH Maxinice Max In Ice "Ice" owner: Agneta Clifford
Best male & BOB. Congrats to his owner!
his mother
CH Maxinice Joyance Best bitch & BOS
Ransäter International Dog Show, 30/7, Judge: Nils Mohlin
CH Maxinice Joyance
Best bitch & BOS
Maxinice Odd Molly
Best bitch 2, CC, CACIB
Wästmanland KC International Dog Show 23/7, judge: Torbjörn Skaar
CH Maxinice Joyance
Best veteran, best bitch & BOS
Maxinice Odd Molly
Best bitch 2, CC & Cacib
Maxinice Quinoa
Best puppy hp
Södra Älvsborgs KC International Dog Show 3/7, judge: Dorothy Collin, USA
Maxinice Odd Molly
Best bitch, CC and BOB!
Dalarnas KC 18/6, judge: Soile Bister Finland
CH Maxinice Joyance
Best bitch & BOB and Best in show 3 in veteran group
Swedish Bullmastiff speciality 11/6 Norberg, Judge: Sanna Vakkalainen, Finland.
Our special girl "grand old lady" SE, NO, FIN, INT CH, NO-V 06, SE-V 08
Maxinice Joyance
Best bitch, best veteran & BOS nearly 9 years old!!
Maxinice Oh Yes, Best bitch 3
Our little baby Maxinice Quinoa best puppy in her class 4-6 month with HP

söndag 17 juli 2011

Happy Birthday to L-litter already 6 years!

CH Maxinice Lovey-Dovey 6 years today!

onsdag 15 juni 2011

Mother & son!

International Dog Show Stockholms KC Vallentuna
Judge: Elaine Whitney, Canada
BOB CACIB, CC Maxinice Obi Wan Kenobi "Obi"
BOS SE, FIN, NO, INT UCH, SE-V 08 NO-V 06 Maxinice Joyance "Kitty"
Well done son & mother!!

lördag 7 maj 2011

söndag 1 maj 2011

Show results!!

Maxinice Obi wan Kenobi "Obi" owner: Cristina Fladby Pereira, Norway

1/5 Norway

Judge: Carl-Gunnar Stafberg, Sweden


30/5 Norway

Judge: Peter van Monfoort, Netherland

Best male 2 & R-CAC

Well done Tina & Obi!!

söndag 24 april 2011

Show results from Norway & Sweden!

Wästmanland National Dog Show April 17 2011 Judge Igor Seliminovic, Croatia

SE FIN NO INT UCH NV-06 SV-08 Maxinice Joyance BOB Best Veteran & GROUP 3!!!!

Our grand old lady 8 1/2 years old & she is once & only!!!!

Best bitch 2 CH Maxinice Kirstey A owner: Isabelle Borggren Best bitch 4 our youngster

Maxinice Odd Molly


Best breeder group HP what a day thanks everyone!!


Judge: Hassi Assenmacher

Maxinice Obi wan Kenobi "OBI"

BOB CAC CACIB Best male & GROUP 4!!!!

What a day Tina & OBI!!

Owner: Cristina Fladby Pereira Norway

Photo: Kennel Rainbull

söndag 10 april 2011

Q-litter nearly 11 weeks!

Puppies still available, interested please contact Lena +46735336364

Show results....

Int Dog-Show in Bergen, Norway Judge: Hassi Assenmacher

Maxinice Obi wan Kenobi BOB CAC CACIB and GROUP 4!!!!

Well done Tina and Obi!

Photo: Malvin Solberg, Norway

torsdag 3 mars 2011

Q-kullen 6 1/2 vecka!

Vi har några valpar kvar från en intressant kombination intresserad - ring 021-64063 eller maxinice@tele2.se

söndag 27 februari 2011

Valparna nästan 6 veckor!

Vi har några valpar kvar efter en intressant kombination av vinstrik härstamning samt friska & sunda föräldrar, intresserad ring 021-640 63 eller maxinice@tele2.se
Ute för första gången - kallt!!

torsdag 17 februari 2011

Q-kullen / Q-litter

GB SE N FIN CH King Of Scalibor at Garmondsway JW x Maxinice Nirvana
Intresserad av valp från kombinationen kontakta maxinice@tele2.se 021-640 63
Röd hane 2

Fawn hane
Röd kille
Sover skönt!

Cool & avslappnad tjej!

Röd hane

tisdag 15 februari 2011

måndag 14 februari 2011

Tiden rinner iväg valparna redan 4 v!

Röd tik & hane

fawn hane

Röd tik

26 dagar